Gen 18:1-3 AMP

We are a Church that Takes Care
Our strength consists in our unity that’s why we are always ready to help each other and glad to welcome new members.
Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 22 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 20 PM
Useful Information
Useful Information
Jesus House Kidz First
Welcome back to Jesus House Kidz First, we look forward to seeing you again!!!
Time 2 Pray
Please note that we have corporate prayer meetings every morning Monday to Friday at…
Statement of Giving
request a Statement Of Giving Layouts: Popup If you would like to receive a statement for your charitable giving either for your tax returns or personal use, kindly fill your…
Prayers at Jesus House
RAINBOW PRAYER GROUP A House of Prayer for all nations Genesis 9.13 NKJV “I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant…
We Love Being Together
We share our happy moments, inspiration and achievements as well as challenges and complicated experience.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
I personally love being in the church with friendly people who can bring fresh vision to the life that needs a new start. Thank you for keeping up with the needs of your ministry!
Alice Morris
I am beyond excited about joining such an amazing team of like-minded people! I always dreamed of finding my place in this complicated world and now I feel like I am finally in the right place.
Natalie Jones
Way to God needs some help at the very beginning, especially if there is no religious experience. This church can help you turn any idea into a reality and find your way!